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प्रेस बिज्ञप्ती

Response to the NRN USA’s recent five point letter to the Deputy Prime Minister Prakash Man Singh

बिराट नेपाल

​Joint Press release:
​The NRN USA handed a five point letter to, then, Deputy Prime Minister, Prakash Man Singh, during his visit to the United Nations Security council.

Among other things, they requested in their letter to DPM that the dual citizen applicants should be required to have NRN USA membership and all future official visits by the representative of Nepal government to be coordinated through NRN USA.

The request is not only unacceptable but also offensive to the other Nepali organizations and the vast majority of Nepali Diasporas in the US.

We believe, the dual citizenship rights granted under the new constitution should be treated like regular citizenship, thus handled in a same manner.
No private organization, non-profitable or otherwise, should be allowed to become a de-facto agent of Nepal government to determine the citizenship qualifications. Nor should any Nepali be required to become member of an organization to exercise citizenship rights granted under the constitution
​Admitting, the dual citizenship issue has been championed by NRNA since its founding, it’s also matter of record that long before NRNA was born, the Association of Nepalese in the Americas, ANA, first introduced and pushed the very idea with Nepali leaders for many years before it was embraced by NRNA.
The inclusion of dual citizenship in the constitution is the result of a united effort by larger Diasporas community, not one organization.
Therefore, we request Government of Nepal to disregard the five point letter submitted by NRN USA to the former Deputy Prime Minister and develop policies and procedures regarding the Dual citizenship rights with broader consultation.
Roger Adhikari,President, Association of Nepalis in the Americas (ANA), Washington DC
Bhuvan Acharya,President, Nepali Association of Texas (NST), Texas
Meena Shakya,President, INLS, Florida chapter
Bikash Devkota,President, United FNA-FANS, Florida
Sharad Acharya,President, Rocky Mountain Friends of Nepal (RMFN), Colorado​


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