Journey to Yarsa (यार्साको यात्रा)

बिराट नेपाल

Journey to Yarsa (यार्साको यात्रा)

The video highlights on the collecting of precious fungus "Yarsagumba". Yarsagumba is Nepalized Tibetan name "dbyar rtswa dgun'bu" (summer grass, winter worm) for a rare fungus that parasites on the body of a caterpillar of a moth (genus THITARODES). This so-called CATERPILLAR FUNGUS (CORDYCEPS, or also OPHIOCORDYCEPS SINENSIS) grows only at high altitudes in Tibet, Nepal, China, Bhutan and North-East India. For its medical effects, YARSAGUMBA has been an important component for a many of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, due to a constantly growing demand and the difficulties in harvesting, YARSAGUMBA has become the most expansive medicinal substance in the world.


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