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Candlelight vigil CO

बिराट नेपाल

Candlelight vigil in memory of the earthquake victims in Nepal (Colorado)

Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
 Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal
Candle light vigil of the victims of the earthquake in Nepal


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फोहोर, आपत्तिजनक र अशिष्ट भाषामा गाली गरिएका प्रतिक्रिया पोष्ट हुनेछैन् ।
तपाईले पठाएका प्रतिक्रिया सम्पादन टीमबाट स्वीकृत भएपछि मात्र प्रकाशन हुने भएकाले केही समय लाग्न सक्छ । असली, पुरा नाम र ठेगाना उल्लेख भएका तथा सिर्जनशील प्रतिक्रियालाई बिशेष प्राथमिकता दिइने छ ।-सम्पादक